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Thursday, December 08, 2005
I wonder why I only write about domestic trivia. You might be surprised to know that other things actually happen to me and I go out and meet people or am told riveting things on the phone or go to London every so often. I think I have practically never written about my social life or my friends except as part of the distant past. Of course I DO spend huge amounts of time on my own here ... but not ALL the time. I think it started out like that because I was so paranoid about my blog being discovered ... because if it was I would have to give it up. 'Why would anyone care about your self-involved moaning over the weather or your husband's shortcomings?', you might ask .. puzzled. Well, because it was not always like this.

What do you do if most of your most interesting revelations and gripping retelling of parts of your history are now buried miles back in your archives? I am not going to write any of it again because either I can't be bothered or I don't feel that way any more. I notice that some people bring up old posts occasionally or have their 'best' ones listed but I feel peculiar about doing that. Maybe because the 'best' ones are probably the most ranty or emotional and it would be weird to have them in a row down the side of the page. I really can't imagine a passing stranger looking at my blog now and thinking 'Good god ... what a fascinating woman. I must read more ...'. (DON'T write any kindly comments about this .. I am not fishing here. I am being objective).

Though I suppose I could pick out a tiny selection which cover my life over the past twenty years to give a quick overall picture. But I rather like my minimalist blog with no information or links and do I actually WANT creepy passing strangers hovering here or ... commenting ... In fact, probably not.

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