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Friday, July 08, 2005
Today everyone I've talked to on the phone seems to be thinking exactly like me. All saying how after many years of a low level version of this sort of thing it no longer seems like a big deal - as long as you weren't actually there in the middle of it, obviously. Especially the transp0rt grinding to a halt part which, my daughter pointed out, usually happens even during a heavy shower.

I don't know if it is better or worse but as details emerge it looks more and more as if very little of it actually went to plan. From past experience the bus b0mb seemed odd and very likely to be a mistake that happened while it was being transported, especially as the bus had suddenly been diverted down a quiet street. This was familiar from Ir1sh days when 'operatives' often accidentally bl3w themselves up in deserted back alleys while en route to the 'targ3t'. Only one of the Undergr0und b0mbs went off under a main ra1lway stat1on, the others expl0ded at small lesser used st0ps which in each case were just before other ma1n stat1ons. It appears that their timing was probably out. Any L0ndoner could have told them that assuming that a train will be in any given place at any given time is very rash indeed.

I think, if I had the choice, I would far rather the 'campa1gn' was being run by some genius mastermind than a group of dim, fanat1cal students. What is the point of our sensibly avoiding tra1ns and over crowded places if some loony with his watch five minutes slow is going to trip a vast expl0sion outside the local vide0 shop.

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