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Friday, August 27, 2004
I see now that my blogging role may be that of the person who makes everyone else feel better about themselves. One glance here and you can move on smugly thinking, 'Well, things aren't going brilliantly at the moment but at least I'm not as dreary as HER'. Hmm .... not quite how I pictured my future on that sunny afternoon twenty years ago.

Keeping within my guidelines. I was having a row with my husband a couple of weeks ago about the escalating price of cat food and was screaming that I did not 'love' looking after four inside cats and eight outside 'barn' cats. But did it out of a sense of duty and kindness, (words which are obviously totally unfamiliar to him) and, in fact, would be incredibly happy and relieved if they all died and I didn't have to suffer the drudgery any longer. Any fule could see that I obviously meant the 'barn' cats and didn't even mean that - I was only trying to ram home a point to counteract the 'loving it' remark.

A week later my favourite inside cat died suddenly. Two days ago the insanely sweet, tiny 'barn' kitten died from one minute to the next. This morning one of my other inside cats has come in and lain down in the kitchen looking 'strange'. I think if she now dies for no reason I will go mad. I also said last week, 'This house really needs cheering up. I think we should have more animals'.

Don't bother to write any comments about being sorry ... it gets so repetitive. Maybe when I write something cheerful eventually a comment like 'Good!' would be nice.

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