Monday, August 09, 2004
I am not not writing on purpose - I am past all that nonsense thanks to some brisk straight talking on your part - but the house is never empty and the computer never free. It is only various combinations of family but there is a swirl of chaos and disturbance which is not normally seen here. It was my birthday a day or so ago - the 7th - which I have always been very pleased with. How cool is it to not only be Leo but have 7, mystical and lucky, as well? Not that I take any notice of birthdays now. From the time I was thirty I have let them slip past as if they had never been ... well, near enough. Mothers Day and Christmas are another matter, obviously. For the last few years I have bought most of my own presents too. The standard has risen immeasurably. This year my children 'gave' me some detective stories that I had really wanted; a strange metal science lab. arrangement that turns whole untouched apples into apple juice through a fascinating tube; some Indian s1lk trousers with a matching shawl-like thing; some purple suede Arab slippers; a teeny exercise tr@mpoline and several exotic shades of nail varnish. Perfecto. AND my daughter whipped my husband into shape and made him go and buy some earrings I had already picked out. Life can be so simple.
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