Wednesday, June 09, 2004
Obviously the best thing with these idiotic p0rn searches is to ignore them in dignified silence but sadly I am incapable. I just followed the last few back, (well - they are searching for something pretty unpleasant. The word '1nc3st' might give a tiny clue), and one had made the silly mistake of accessing from his office. Da, daaa. Which had an e-mail address. So I sent an e-mail to 'The Manager' complaining about harrassment from their company and detailing EXACTLY what their employee was searching for and how I hardly thought that was the image that their firm wanted to send out into the world. Of course I don't know the actual person as I wouldn't want them to be fired or even discovered. I just hoped that some general memo might be sent out to give them a secret fright.
Anyway - I feel better for it.
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