Friday, May 21, 2004
I read a huge number of fa1ry stories as a child and later on one of my favourite films was 'B3dazzl3d' (the original version, naturally). So by the time 'W1shmaster' came along it only re-enforced the care I took to take precautions when stating random preferences. Touching wood; quickly saying 'Not really, though, ha, ha ...' or 'But of course who actually needs that much money?'.
However - I have suddenly remembered, with horrible clarity, my oft-stated and precaution-free remarks about my perfect future. Which were based on my total happiness in the company of my children - alone. 'What I would really like', smug smile crosses features as I am SO amusing, 'is for all of you to marry someone, have lots of children and then get divorced and come and live here with me'. We have many barns crying out to be turned into cosy homes and it would be like a little village filled with extensions of myself - heaven. (And don't think that I am mad here - this is by no means an unusual scenario in these slacker days. Especially if the parents have a big house, in fact most children don't even bother to move out to a barn).
An objective viewer will have already seen what I had missed. W1shmaster was listening - and my daughter is moving inexorably towards the fulfilment of my dream.
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