Tuesday, May 18, 2004
As the number of comments here has dwindled to practically none although the S1temeter reveals a roughly normal number of visits - I naturally assumed that I was so boring that there was nothing anyone could say. BUT .... on looking around I realised that this seems to be quite a common trend. I wondered if this was because the hard core visitors to any site slowly become so friendly that they peel off and start communicating more by private e-mail? Unless you are very confident and open, a large and usually deeply fascinating part of your life is just not suitable to put out there for random strangers - or worse, acquaintances - to see.
It is very restful to be able to use real names and not, in my case, to have to write stuff backwards. But it obviously defeats the whole purpose of the 'Diary' type Blog.
In passing - I see that one or two people have been looking at my archives recently and I just wanted to say that I did NOT go through months sadly without any Commenters. The whole site crashed and disappeared and was rescued by the heroic Badger but the Comments were lost for ever.
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