Saturday, April 17, 2004
One of those rare moments when everything seems to be in place for a second. My middle d@ught3r has been offered her dream job; her first paid work as a fashion designer for a real famous name brand. Even though it is two months probation I'm sure they will keep her as she has this special smile which puts even hateful French waiters and middle-aged saleswomen in expensive boutiques into a trance of niceness. (It involves showing all your teeth with the edges just touching - I have never known it fail. Except in my own case). My older d@ught3r has signed up for a part-time gr@phics des1gn course and will take over her s1ster's work for 'D@ddy' while continuing our secret spying operation into what he actually does with the money and the property. (We have a feeling that there is a hidden seam of low level chaos in there somewhere).
In the typical weird way that Life has. Because my son had one grade that was fractionally low, his tutor suggested that we 'try out' the university entrance process this year while really intending to re-take French and apply properly next year. This 'trying out' involved applying to places that he definitely didn't want to go to and seeing what they said so he could perfect his next application. At the last minute he cracked and also wrote to his favourite even though they are cold and cruel and never make grade exceptions - but he had a wild unspoken hope.
Unfounded, sadly. BUT - two other universities with exactly the same grade requirements as the favourite offered him unconditional places, without having to re-take. BUT - of course they were ones that he had chosen for their total unsuitability. (Too far away; hideous cities; no one in the known universe had ever gone there etc...).
Idly glancing through one of their prospectuses before throwing it into the bin I was struck by the odd phrase .... ' ... stunningly beautiful architecture ... heritage site ... university of the year ... in top five of research table ... charming lakeside campus ... MODULAR courses ... LESS THAN TWO HOURS FROM LONDON'..... OMG! This is perfect! I woke him up and reeled off various choice passages, repeating the word 'modular' several times. 'So, what do you think? It would save so much trouble and suppose the favourite said 'No' again?' 'Hmm .... but I've got used to the idea of having another year off. That's why I haven't done much so far. I was thinking of hanging out in Spain .....'. 'Doing what?' 'Err ..... Oh, all right ... I suppose I might as well go. Where did you put the acceptance form?' And so are the great life changing decisions made.