Thursday, April 22, 2004
I was thinking that I never say anything about books that I like and that is partly because I saw a great list stretching out and I couldn't take the strain of having to write all the titles backwards. But then ... I thought, 'Why don't you just write down one or two at a time?'. Hmm.... interesting. The other problem is that although it must be obvious that I am very, very intelligent, I spend so much time alone under spooky circumstances that I read a lot of quite 'light' reassuring kinds of literature. Oddly enough this includes vast amounts of detective stories because for some reason I can read the most gruesome and chilling descriptions of death and lurking weirdos without feeling a speck nervous. Whereas the feeblest horror FILM stays with me just about for ever and makes going downstairs in the night totally out of the question. My children are the opposite and sit up until 3.00 am alone with curtains undrawn watching vile nastiness on ovarB. And then when I offer them something to read they spring away saying, 'Aaargh! Not one of YOUR books ... Noo .. don't even show me the cover - I'll have nightmares'. Bizarre.
So here are just one or two at a time. They are all 'light' and all famous so anyone reading this will know them already, probably, although they are all quite old.
Aunt ailuJ and eht retirwtpircS. M. sagraV asolL.
tarB rarraF. Josephine yeT.
Thus saw sinodA Murdered. haraS llewduaC.
The sdilasyrhC. John mahdnyW.
An nailatI Education. miT skraP.
There must be an easier way of doing this. It isn't really a reading suggestion list - it is more just a list of books I have enjoyed at various times. Which I was thinking of adding to every week or so. Does anyone ever take up reading suggestions on blogs?
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