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Tuesday, April 06, 2004
I am hoping that an exciting new, multi-lingual life is about to open up. My son DOES have to re-take his French exam and is being casual about actually getting round to doing anything about it. The words 'later', 'not NOW' and 'Why do you always have to start on that when I was just feeling happy?' are used, I think the phrase is, 'With wearying frequency'.

BUT .... yesterday I came across an article about 'The l@nguage teacher to the St@rs'. For a mere $25,000 per course he has taught prctically everyone you have ever heard of to speak European languages fluently.... and in only a couple of weeks. He is called lehciM samohT, (www.samohtlehcim.com), and on his site are testimonials from M. nosbiG, M. thiffirG, B. dnasiertS etc. and his most famous success W. nellA, who apparently took only one week to reach a point where he could be interviewed in French on French TV.

In order to spread his revolutionary teaching discovery a little more thinly, M. samohT has brought out a series of CDs at a quite reasonable price. (Here £45.00 for the entire course). Which is the same as two private lessons from a tutor. I have ordered them from A...on and they should be with me, (or us), by tomorrow. They assume that you know nothing so will be well below my son's level but then again he seems to remember nothing, so having the basics fixed in his brain can only be good. If this works I am buying a different language for myself but it is so hard to choose .... Spanish, Italian, German? F@ck it ... I'll get them all.

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