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Wednesday, March 03, 2004
It is worrying that tiredness and not eating have such an effect on one's moods. Of course things seem much better today and at first light even, my brain was sorting out plans for my son's happy and successful university career. But how often are you making decisions while feeling on top form? Never probably. So the smaller paths that you take through life are usually chosen in a random and stupid manner, although you think you are being reasonable. Hmm ... that may finally explain how I got where I am today

As it was, by chance, the day for my lift to the supermarket I thought that I would buy anything I really liked and eat it all. Forgetting guilt or diets. Apparently if you do this with small children they automatically settle for quite reasonable life sustaining things after a short time. When I got back I had chosen, (for this one day), boiled eggs with thick white toast and huge amounts of butter and strong coffee. Then for lunch scallops and bacon in a garlic, cream and white wine sauce with spinach (which took 'literally' five minutes to make from raw, I must do this more often) and then organic plum yoghourt. Dinner was beef stew with different root vegetables and cauliflower cheese and parsley mashed potatoes and afterwards fresh sharon fruit. And drinking orange, mango and banana mixed juice. That all looks quite well-balanced and healthy and not THAT fattening if you keep the portions down. Except as it is some of my favourite food I ate so much stew etc. that I had to lie down fainting with fullness and couldn't even have a cat resting on me for some time. Crap. I knew this would happen. I will have to follow the example of yerduA nrubpeH with her one piece of chocolate cake a month and space out my 'food I really like' days with the precision of a surgeon. (Although actually wasn't she totally anorexic and probably thought that even having cake once a month was a terrifying slip into obesity?).

I have stunned my brain with food rather than whisky so that it can reprogramme all my thoughts and file things in peace and I can start tomorrow fresh and sensible and take a wide, straight, gently sloping path into the future.

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