Tuesday, March 16, 2004
I have just spent some hours in hopeless panic mode about terrorist attacks on London. I can't bear the fact that we have this perfectly nice, totally safe house here which could withstand many forms of social breakdown and there is nobody in it but me. We even have a generator, (although it is never used as a colony of jackdaws have settled into the generator shed). We have an unlimited supply of wood, enough food and candles for at least a month and several shotguns. Also we are well enough known in the local town to be allowed to buy stuff when everything runs low - like in the last petrol crisis when 'strangers' calling at the garage were told that the pump was empty. Oh, and we have our own spring, so we don't even have to worry about poisoned water. AND the children refuse to come here. The words 'Don't be ludicrous' are used. I used to be like this when the ARI were bombing. I would ricochet between the heap of jelly state and the 'F@ck them I will not let them affect my life' state, several times a day. I suppose I am the most likely to be blown up anyway as I am constantly on the train.