Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Back. The two younger children are safely in Thailand and have rung me to prove it. They are staying on one of the islands in a hotel belonging to a friend's brother, who went native there about twenty years ago. Then on to a smaller island to stay with my daughter's old school friend who has also gone native. She is very pretty, clever and has rich, loving parents and yet has chosen to live alone in this tiny place and become a professional deep-sea diver. What is it with that? Several of the childrens' friends and two of mine have done variations of the same thing. I have too much pointless imagination to want to mess around in the depths, not to mention a horror of anything snake-shaped. Also, I was reading the travel guide about Thailand and the weather there is not ideal. For about six months of the year it appears to be either raining or suffering 'violent storms' as well as tropical heat. I am praying that it won't be idyllic enough for my son to abandon all thought of university. The only gardener I ever managed to find down here, ( and keep with excesses of charm, niceness and non-interference), suddenly announced last Spring that he 'couldn't take the climate any longer' and was going to Thailand for a month. He never returned.
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