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Saturday, February 28, 2004
Sorry - I forgot to say that I had to go to London to welcome back daughter and sort out son for crucial interview. Also I have to go again in two days for a week but then Life will be my own. Writing was going badly anyway as I was boring and annoying myself let alone others.

It is midnight or so and I have just got off late train in snow and found cat ill so things are not ideal. My son managed to have some flu-like virus this week after being totally well for about a year, so he had to miss his university interview. This was not good as they are very, very popular and are used to pathetic grovelling from all prospective students. Probably no one has missed an interview ever before. We DID do horrific grovelling by e-mail and they reluctantly offered another on Monday as a HUGE favour. So I am going straight back to supervise last-minute revision of lies.

Daughter arrived exactly on time and as I watched her walk up the stairs it was as if I had last seen her a couple of hours ago and was no big deal at all. Odd. The family is much better with all three here. It completes some circle of nagging and fighting and evens it out.

I just saw a picture in a magazine of the daughter of an old friend. The daughter is the same age as my older one and they used to play together when tiny. The headline says, 'The stars' favourite clairvoyant', then 'I first realised that I had some strange 'gift' when I was a child and realised that not everyone could see dead people as I could'. This is all a maddening and total lie but I am too tired now and will discuss it tomorrow.

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