Wednesday, February 04, 2004
I was inspired by something Badger wrote, as usual, though also as usual not by one of her many intellectual posts. This is for me to look back at and may alienate stray readers.
I don't like to listen to music when I am reading but only when I am doing something practical or as a background to chatting. I particularly like music when I am cooking and also tend to have obsessive sessions of one tune on repeat. So I thought I would list the ones that have been on repeat the most over the past two months. (This is FOR ME and has no interest of any kind).
Writing these backwards will be quite testing.
1. einnA I'm Not Your yddaD. diK eloerC. One of my all time favourites.
2. La ettoN anretE. ammE nilpahS. From the Buddha raB V. CD.
3. teG A boJ. The gnirpsffO.
4. oS ysaE. pposkyoR.
5. edirB 1945. luaP lebieS.
6. You niW niagA. The eeB seeG. (Renowned for impenetrable lyrics but after hours ofrepeats
I may be the only person in the world who understands).
7. Aa rayaT ajoH. ihdinuS nahuahC. From the 'akosA' soundtrack. (I loved that film. You
need to have seen the dancing to appreciate this song).
My most repeated ever tune is a French pop song which I played on my birthday once for five hours. My husband passed through the room about three hours into it saying 'I recognise this. Has that track been on earlier?' ( ataP ataP by abmuoC olwaG). Also an all time repeater is the noitingI Remix but I am not allowed to admit this apparently as 'Not only is he a crappy, sad person but his music is shit'. Right, I won't mention it then.
I have many other favourites - quite cool and not cool at all - but oddly with most of them one hearing at a time is enough. These were only recent repeat ones, for some reason I can't really remember further back. Perhaps my brain got so numbed by them that they have been erased.
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