Thursday, January 29, 2004
This is my blog and I can be boring if I want to.
What is it with my random 'Just published blog' choices when I am logging out? Remember they are only there for TWO minutes.
The last three days.
One of the blogs listed was 'tohS in the kraD' which I have read occasionally linked from 'nayR's site., and this was about 4.00 am American time.
Last night while I was writing my daughter rang and said it was snowing heavily in London, which hardly ever happens. The blog I picked turned out to be English and the latest post was a photo of her standing in the snow in central London.
Just now I just chose the top one and it was a girl in Hong Kong with a very short Links list but including 'tnemyaD' who often comments on various sites I know including
What, what? Or are there actually less blogs out there than I thought?
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