Wednesday, December 31, 2003
A weird synchronicity happened but now I realise that if I write it down it leads rather closely back to me. Is it interesting with the names removed?
It is nine months now since I was sitting here sadly on a rainy afternoon and paused from writing my son's French homework to do one little thing 'for me'. I typed in the name of one of my favourite children's books to see if the author was still alive. Practically nothing came up except a reference in a 'blog' (?) called 'Badgerbag' (?). I had never heard of these things and had no idea what it was or what they were for or what ....? After I started to read I couldn't believe it - here was a real person who thought about life in the same way as me and then wrote about it brilliantly. Since then my life has been transformed.
Two nights ago we had some people to dinner. I had set this up because a friend came to do woodwork repairs just before Christmas and his assistant was a boy of 19, like my son, and had my son's name which is almost unheard of at that age. Then he said his middle name which is what I had always intended calling any son until I married my husband and found the name sounds odd with our surname, so I couldn't. I was keen for them to meet and asked him and his parents and the wood person and others to dinner. (I don't often do this).
I was talking to the assistant's mother about why we chose the unusual name and then I said, 'Well I like the children to be called things that are unlike anyone else and I chose his middle name because I always had a romantic feeling about this man I read about who died in the First World War. He had a name that I thought would never be used again but it is appearing now in under-fives.' 'What is it?', she said. '...', I replied. 'But that man was my great-uncle', she said. ...... We moved on to other topics and I told her the story above of how I found the world of blog, (NOT mentioning 'Badger' obviously), and she was interested in the book I had been looking for as it is set near here but she had not heard of it. The wood person's wife came up and had also not heard of it; so I got it and was pointing out the author and how I had been searching to see if she was alive. 'She isn't', said the wood person's wife. 'But you said you had never heard of this book?'. 'I haven't but the author was my niece A... 's, (who I too know perfectly well), mother-in-law. They often said that she wrote books when she was young but I didn't really take it in'. When we looked inside it was dedicated to various members of the wood person's family but as they had different surnames I hadn't realised. And now I can just go and talk to some of them and find out all about her after all.
I thought that was a nice big set of synchronicity, although it obviously lost a little in translation.
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